Friday, November 16, 2012

4 Ingredient Flat Bread

This is one of the easiest recipes in the book, hence one of the reasons it’s one of my favorites, I found it a while back kinda forgot where and had to change it a bit so I'm staking my name on it. Has only 4 ingredients and cooks in about 2 minutes each. They are great with just about any kind of sandwich and even by themselves. I figured I'd post this tutorial to go along with my flat bread pizza, which is coming up soon, and uses this recipe. Oh p.s. I will see you Monday to say a happy thanksgiving.

I have a hard time making a circle, I mean I meant to make weird shapes it's more fun that way.

3 cups all-purpose flour about ½  of a cup extra flour, for kneading
2 tsp salt
1 TBS fresh herb chopped (Basil, rosemary)
[you can use dried herbs but in that case use only about ½ TBS]
2 TBS extra virgin olive oil (extra virgin is important so it doesn't have a strong olive-y taste)
1 cup water


First combine 3 cups of flour with salt and herbs mix with a fork. 

Make a well in the center and pour in water and oil, mix until dough comes together. I like to use my hands and get down and dirty, if so make sure to have some oil on your hands first (so it doesn't stick), flour usually works too, otherwise a spoon will do. Try not to over mix.

It can look really clumpy at this stage I promise it's acceptable, that's what kneading is for. Spread flour on a flat surface, to keep from sticking, plop the dough on top and knead for about 5 minutes, just enough so the dough is smooth and cohesive.

Next put a couple drops of extra virgin olive oil in a clean bowl and make sure the oil is rubbed all over the bowl so (yep you guessed it) it doesn't stick. cover the bowl with a damp towel or cling wrap and let rest for 30 minutes at room temperature.

Now you're ready to roll (ha ha get it see what I did there, I know I'm cheesy).

Separate the dough into six equal portions flour the surface again and flour the rolling pin while you're at it,
(if the flour isn't sticking to the rolling pin get your hand a little wet then rub the rolling pin to get a bit of  water on it, and then flour it, and the flour should stick).

If something starts sticking add  a touch or flour, if it's a bit stiff add a couple drops of water.

Roll each portion into a ball in your hand and then flatten it a little bit so that it's about the size of the palm of your hand. Place on the floured surface and begin to roll it out.

Now if you've never rolled out dough before the real trick to it is to NOT go all the way to the edges of the dough, but instead roll back and forth and turning the dough and rolling in the opposite direction after the dough has grown about an inch or so on each end. You want the dough to be about 8 inches across and fairly thin too like a tortilla.

If something starts sticking add  a touch or flour, if it's a bit stiff add a couple drops of water.

My beautiful circle.
Once your dough is rolled out heat up your skillet (preferably cast iron) on about med high.
You'll know its hot enough when a drop of water can sizzle off place the rolled out dough in pan and leave it for about a minute or two bubbles may start to form on the top and the dough should become slightly opaque. After the minute flip it over and cook the other side for 1-2 minutes, and follow suit with the rest until brown spots start to form.

***One thing that should be noticed is the longer you have the pan on the stove the hotter it gets, so the rest of the flat breads usually take a gradually shorter amount of time, which makes them easier to burn which happened to a couple of mine***

The end, and here's the finished product, now you can take a bow and give yourself a pat on the back.
Oh and make yourself a sandwich of course....

Flat bread sandwich: basil, feta, mozzarella, tomato basil pesto

everything in short....

3 cups all-purpose flour about ½ a cup extra flour, for kneading
2 tsp. salt
1 TBS fresh chopped herb (Basil or rosemary) *OPTIONAL
[you can use dried herbs but in that case use only about ½ TBS]
2 TBS extra virgin olive oil
1 cup water

Combine 3 cups of flour with salt and herbs mix with a fork. Make a well in the center and pour in water and oil mix until dough comes together, try not to over mix.Spread flour on a flat surface and knead for about 5 min just until the dough is smooth and cohesive.

Grab another bowl put a couple drops of extra virgin olive oil and rub it all over the sides of the bowl so the dough won’t stick. Place the dough in the bowl with cling wrap or a damp towel over the bowl and let rest for about half an hour.

Divide the dough into about 6 equal size portions, flour the flat surface and rolling pin and roll each portion out to about 8 in. across. Heat a skillet preferably cast iron, but any will do.  Wait for it to heat up you’ll know it’s hot enough when a drop of water dissolves on contact with the pan.

Cook each for 1-2 min on each side, flip after it becomes opaque and or bubbles start to form. Once you see brown spots you know it's done.

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